Domain Protection

Domain Protection

Protect your domain and your privacy

  • Deter Hackers
  • Secure your Brand
  • Prevent Mistakes
  • 24/7 Expert Support
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Why choose Domain Protection?

Shield your domain from unauthorized or accidental changes and protect your brand’s ownership.

  Domain Protection Domain Privacy
Protects your Identity
Ownership Protection
Enhanced Account Security
C$9.99/yr INCLUDED
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Domain Protection FAQ

Domain Protection adds an extra layer of security to your domain by requiring Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for any critical changes, such as updating nameservers or modifying contacts. This ensures that only authorized users can make changes to your domain, keeping it secure from unauthorized access.
Whenever you make critical changes to your domain or account information, you will receive a Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) code via email. Entering this code will grant you the ability to make changes to your domain for a 15-minute window. After this period, the changes will be automatically locked again.
You can easily activate Domain Protection for your existing domain by logging into your account, navigating to the domain management section, and enabling the Domain Protection feature. Once activated, you’ll be prompted to verify all critical actions.
Disabling Domain Protection removes the Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) requirement for critical domain changes, potentially leaving your domain vulnerable to unauthorized modifications. We strongly advise keeping Domain Protection enabled to maintain the highest level of security for your domain.
Absolutely! You can easily combine Domain Protection with other products or services during the checkout process. For example, when purchasing a new domain or any other eligible service, you can add Domain Protection to enhance the security of your new assets.